35-CAUTION this video discusses a sensitive subject! Q MEMES- THE TERRIBLE TRUTH ABOUT WALNUT SAUCE

3 years ago

35-CAUTION this video discusses a sensitive subject! Q MEMES- THE TERRIBLE TRUTH ABOUT WALNUT SAUCE... [mirrored]
Thirty-fifth video clip from my Top 40 CatholicRedPill list. Digging Deeper.

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CAUTION this video discusses a sensitive subject! Q MEMES: THE TERRIBLE TRUTH ABOUT WALNUT SAUCE....
First published at 15:29 UTC on March 28th, 2018.
McAllister TV
Linda Paris
I was obsessed with finding out what the code words “Walnut Sauce” meant. It seemed to come up a lot, when going through the WikiLeaks emails.
When I started going through the MEME folders, that were part of this HUGE drop, I found the “Walnut Sauce” graphics scattered about, inside of subjects such as “Podesta” and “Obama.”
In short: There’s no folder labeled “Walnut Sauce.”
At first I couldn’t wait to go through these graphics (which I thought were going to be simple memes) because that way I didn’t have to use up my disk space, while at the same time I have access to this massive ARCHIVE of MAGA graphics!
I saw that Q was basically calling in his drops for people to FIGHT the MSM /FAKE NEWS narrative (that we know is coming) and so I wanted to take inventory what was in there.
Since I’m used to working for big television networks, I recognized this as a professionally created and organized “graphics kit” or “graphics package” as we like to say in “showbiz!”
I thought: Wow! This is great! Q is not just TELLING us to go out there and support the President as much as we can…they are providing us with the TOOLS we need to do the job!
Is it a great drop, with lots of graphics and backgrounds so we can make our OWN graphics if we want to?
but what I ALSO found inside were verifications and more clues!
Since I have been obsessed with figuring out WHAT they were talking about when they referred to “Walnut Sauce,” I was shocked and horrified to see the meme of Podesta holding the Pineal Gland, which had been REMOVED from the brain.
I was shocked because it hit me like a cement truck.
OF COURSE these sick bastards are eating people’s BRAINS! I tell you…I felt STUPID for not seeing it right away! Of course this is the answer…of course.
As Q said…some won’t be able to handle all of this. The truth is out there…but can everyone handle it?
Unfortunately, my Top 40 CatholicRedPill list only scratches the surface of what is truly going on along with the child trafficking, pedophilia worldwide and worse. There is something going on much deeper with the swamp elite, politicians, Hollywood, organized religion, and certain celebrity athletes and actors. I believe a sick infiltration has infected the Vatican and God is finally going to call them out. Our present pope supports the Catholic illegitimate president Biden, but states Trump is not a Christian because of his policies defending the southern U.S. border. The Catholic flock is going to demand total transparency and rightful correction in Catholic leadership.

The red-pill to know what is truly going on is hard to swallow, but necessary. Don’t be caught off guard when everything is finally exposed. The choice to know is yours, but better to be psychologically, emotionally and spiritually prepared. Watching both video links below (Shadow Gate and Out of Shadows Documentary) would be really helpful to help understand what is going on related to these topics.
Thank you and God bless, Marcum

Also, please checkout the following links, both heavily censored for being the truth.

-SHADOW GATE – FULL FILM by Millie Weaver – 2020
Banned from Youtube – watch version from below link


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In this exclusive interview with Dr. Bridle, we discuss his concerns around this never-before-seen technology being injected en masse into Canadians.
• By Tamara Ugolini
• September 24, 2021

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