Kalam Cosmological Argument || THIS Argument Makes Atheists SWEAT

3 years ago

Please note my ultimate goal is not to get atheists to sweat but to reconsider their beliefs and ultimately come to be saved by Jesus.

In this video we discuss one of the most powerful arguments for God's existence, the Kalam Cosmological Argument and respond to a few common objections. In preparation to this video I listened to hours of William Lane Craig's work on the argument, as well as responses by atheists such as Graham Oppy, Alex J. O'Connor (Cosmic Skeptic), Lawrence Krauss. Alexander Vilenkin who is an atheist/agnostic also was a valuable resource on question of the beginning of the universe.

Resources for further study:

You can watch the full debate between William Lane Craig and Lawrence Krauss here:

If you'd like to see William Lane Craig use the Kalam on Hitchens in a debate you can watch that here:

You can read Alexander Vilenkin's article on the Borde-Guth-Vilenkin Theorem and his interaction with the Kalam Cosmological Argument:

William Lane Craig has an excellent response to Alexander Vilenkin's proposal that the universe was caused by quantum nucleation through quantum tunneling. You can read it here:

For further reading, I recommend Stephen Meyer's Return of the God Hypothesis which has an excellent explanation of the Borde-Guth-Vilenkin Theorem:

Kalam Cosmological Argument, Alexander Vilenkin, William Lane Craig, Graham Oppy, Alexander Loke, Lawrence Krauss, Stephen Meyer, Borde-Guth-Vilenkin, Stephen Meyer, Cosmic Skeptic, Alex J. O'Connor, beginning of the universe, Big Bang Theory, expansion of the universe, quantum field theory, quantum tunneling, quantum nucleation, Second Law of Thermodynamics, eternal universe, David Albert, Georges LemaƮtre, quantum vacuum, Stephen Hawking, First Cause, science, debate, debunked, WLC, apologetics, atheism, in the beginning, beginning of time, red shift, Edwin Hubble, BGV theorem, evidence for God, Fred Hoyle, Arthur Eddington, Albert Einstein

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