3 years ago

Kyle Rittenhouse scrutinized NBA star

LeBron James Monday on Blaze TV's "You Are Here" over the b-ball player's tweet about Rittenhouse's declaration during the crime preliminary before he was vindicated all in all.
After Rittenhouse separated in tears during his declaration about the uproar when he shot three individuals, James tweeted, "What tears????? I didn't see one. Man, knock it off! That kid ate some lemon heads under the watchful eye of strolling into court."

When inquired as to whether he laments going to the Kenosha fights, Rittenhouse said, "Knowing the past being 20/20, likely not the smartest plan to go down there. Can't change that, yet I guarded myself and that is what occurred."

He added, "Everybody ought to have the option to protect themselves. I believe it's an undeniable right, the right to self-protection. That is the thing that was being investigated in Wisconsin, the right to self preservation."
On the public's response to his preliminary via web-based media, Rittenhouse said, "This world is so screwed up. The things individuals simply say and how they come out and assault individuals for irregular reasons."

When requested to react to James' tweet, Rittenhouse said, "I was a Lakers fan too before he said that. I was truly irritated when he said that since I preferred LeBron, and afterward I'm similar to, you know, 'F-ck you, LeBron."

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