My obsession with small drum sets, the groove kits

7 years ago

As I get older I realize less is more. I put together yet another small, easy to carry, totally workable groove drum kit.
There are some advantages that will tell you about reducing and shrinking down your drum set. First I want to say that I still love playing on my Mapex full drum set up,what we'll call a typical drum setup regarding the drum sizes: 22 BD, 10, 12 toms, 16 Ftom etc.
The complaints I hear from musicians is that the gigs are drying up and are getting harder and harder to find and all the bands are competing for the few gigs that are available. This gives the club or pub owner a lot of power because of all the band choices they have they can pay as little as they want because the bands are so desperate to perform.This devalues the musician even more then ever before.
When I connected with a band that also play in the NYC subway 2 days a week I was not on board with it all at first. So I went with it but was very worried about the whole process the band reassured me it would be fine and fun,, they were right,, now I love playing down in the tubes.
My point is that there are gigs out there but I urge you to think creatively and be courageous about places that may seem uncomfortable for you at first. (Break the ice) I've since play on roof top parties, living room parties, out side in front of clubs, restaurants, bars.
So check it out

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