Bruce R Fenton | Humans Origins Flipped Upside Down

7 years ago

Bruce R. Fenton is the author of the revolutionary book "The Forgotten Exodus the Into Africa Theory of Human Evolution". He was born in the historic English town of Cheltenham, England. He graduated from Anglia Ruskin University in 2002, having studied Information Systems.
Fenton is a world traveler and public speaker, his research activities have featured in the UK’s Telegraph Newspaper and on a popular Science Channel show.

Daniel begins by chatting a bit with Bruce before delving into his childhood and finding out exactly what makes this man tick. We find out that Bruce was inspired by two family members at an early age to take a keen interest in things that are considered fringe or mysterious.

They then head into deep waters as human origins are brought in question. Bruce completely turns the world on science on his head as he pokes holes all over the theory that humans emerged from Africa. Bruce makes a very logical argument for humans actually journeying into Africa. Bruce walks us through the entire saga of human beginnings as Daniel ponders and asks questions.

They finish off by talking about Bruce's Giant expedition and how he feels about giant bones being discovered.

Daniel comes back with an angry letter regarding the last show which he reads then comments on. He then shares some news stories including one about Taylor Swift being an Illuminati clone of Anton Laveys daughter. Daniel goes on to talk about being different and how being an artist can be very hard sometimes.

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