Breathe Again: From Miasmatic Disease To Modern Day Misconceptions

2 years ago

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On this episode you will learn:
* The history of wearing masks. 
* What the miasmatic theory of disease is. 
* How viruses actually operate.
* What percentage of the human genome is comprised of viruses. 
* How small a virus actually is. 
* The efficacy of surgical masks vs. cloth masks. 
* How a face mask can create a false sense of security. 
* Why studies can often be misleading and assumptive. 
* The true efficacy of an N95 respirator mask.  
* What the data shows about wearing masks during pregnancy. 
* The link between wearing a face mask and headaches. 
* Why we should question the mandates set forth for the school year. 
* The truth behind why surgeons wear masks. 
* How to overcome a self-serving bias and cherry-picking data. 
* What the World Health Organization actually says about mask efficacy. 

Items mentioned in this episode include:

* Watch the documentary!
* The Meaning Behind Skyrocketing COVID-19 Cases with Dr. Alan Preston
* - Why the World Is Facing Challenges Right Now with Dr. Michael Beckwith
* -- Sleep Smarter by Shawn Stevenson

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