O:JA&L's Hermione Wilds reads "Beneath the Falls," flash discourse by Dorian Fox.

3 years ago

OJAL Art Incorporated, publishing since 2017 as OPEN: Journal of Arts & Letters (O:JA&L), presents a series of readings by Reader-in-Performance Hermione Wilds, featuring works published in O:JA&L.

Become an O:JA&L member through Patreon.

Dorian Fox's "Beneath the Falls" won the 2019 O:JA&L Prize for Flash Discourse.

The 2019 theme was "Flash Discourse with a source in myth or legend."

Title Image: Landscape with a Girl in a Black Knit Cap from PXFuel.

Shoreline imagery: Video by Thibaud Simon from PEXELS.

Waterfall still photograph 1: Skoggafuss by Robert Lukeman from Unsplash.

Waterfall imagery 1: Video by Engin Akyurt from PEXELS.

Waterfall still photograph 2: Skoggafuss with Rainbow by

Waterfall imagery 2: Video by S&R Youtube Channel from PEXELS.

Waterfall still photograph 3: Waterfall and Girl by Sorasak on Unsplash.

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