Road train driver pays the cost - NO JAB NO JOB results in on going injury and no answers.

3 years ago
Senator Gerard Rennick


Tiny’s Story

Australia, a first world country that tries to silence the people who fall victim to becoming what mainstream medical professionals would refer to as a, ‘Rare & unfortunate statistic’ rather than report accordingly and tell the truth.

Australia, a country where hard working, tax paying citizens are told how to tell the narrative regarding their own health, - ‘You can’t say it’s since the jab, it’s since you got sick!’

Australia, a country where our essential workers and many other good hearted, hard working Australian’s are increasingly becoming injured, disregarded and silenced due to a medical procedure that’s seemingly coerced on to them at the hands of black mail, with NO INFORMED CONSENT.

Australia, a country where we are now DESENSITISED to people in our health care system GASLIGHTING their patients!

Australia, a country that is blatantly underreporting adverse reactions and blaming it’s citizens for the repercussions caused by a drug with NO LONG TERM SAFETY DATA.

This patient’s cannula comes out, sound alarm was activated.. good to see great medical practice and he gets checked on?

Australia, a country that blackmails it’s people into NO JAB NO JOB.
Puts truck drivers and patron’s on our roads at risk by failing to apply SUFFICIENT RISK ASSESSMENT!

Luckily he hadn’t collapsed while on the road?

Australia, a country where exemption isn’t offered from that which has caused your injury.

Australia, where justice fails to apply and more and more Australian’s become the victims of sacrificing their health and livelihood’s - for a narrative that has proven inconceivable amount of crimes against humanity and attacks on our civil liberties… In exchange for freedom’s that are a basic human right NOT TO BE BARGAINED FOR.


Where there is risk, THERE MUST BE CHOICE!

When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty.

Please raise your voices, please share your stories!
Your voice matters, your story matters and you deserve answers and validation.

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