Feast in time of plague | Birthday of Kirkorov's daughter |

3 years ago

For a little girl, the holiday was not suitable. There is a discussion on the web of a holiday arranged for his daughter Anna Victoria by singer Philip Kirkorov.

The girl celebrated ten years together with the age stars, who could hardly cheer her up, but made her father happy.
The photo from the star party was posted by Marina Yudashkina and Kirkorov himself.

All the color of teenage idols was noticed at the celebration - Dava, Danya Milokhin, Klava Koka, and the holiday itself was sustained in the style of the movie "101 Dolmatins".
Judging by the footage, the girl was delighted with fireworks, garlands and huge life size puppets that adorned the house and its territory.

The children did not get into the frame, which surprised the singer's fans. As fans put it, the children's party has become a get-together for aunts and grandfathers.

They also celebrated a luxurious holiday, clearly not comparable to the average Russian level, which allowed them to conclude that the singer spoils children very much.
"A feast during the plague" "," "Some old women", Vanity Fair, "Expensive, boHato ... Some kind of kitsch ...", "Where are the children?", - wrote in the comments.


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