The "Pa'bitte Passapu" dance is a traditional dance of Ammatoa Kajang #MHTV #MuharOfficial

3 years ago

#MHTV #MuharOfficial

The "Pa'bitte Passapu" dance is a traditional dance of Ammatoa Kajang, Bulukumba Regency, South Sulawesi. Previously, the Makassarese ethnic community, including the nobility, loved the game of cockfighting, because an expression of one's courage could be seen in cockfighting. That's why many of the king's sons and palace guards jumped into the cockfighting arena just to show their courage, which was accompanied by bets.

Then, after Islam entered the Kingdom of Gowa, which became the mother of the Makassar kingdom, cockfighting was gradually eliminated. Cockfighting is considered a gamble, as well as animal abuse.

People are also looking for other things they can compete with to entertain themselves as well as to channel their interests. That's why the "Pa'bitte Passapu" dance was created in which a handkerchief (passapu) was created. In this dance, the handkerchief is considered as a cocked cock.

Nowadays, "Pa'bitte Passapu" becomes a dance to pick up traditional guests or wedding events. This dance is accompanied by singing and musical instruments while holding a handkerchief or headband.

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