Fight against the Communist long march of the institutions in a English School

3 years ago

I moved into South Buckinghamshire in 2014 as a single Man with 2 sets of twins. it is a middle class area and I faced discrimination because I made it known I was a Brexiteer around about 2016. My children were bullied by Teachers and assaulted twice by Teachers.Many parents supported me in private, but didn’t want to raise there head above the parapet, many Parents didn’t support me. The parents represented our society back then, with a a near 50-50 split after the Brexit Referendum. The school board was run by Communist 5th Columnists and most Teachers were also Communistic, pushing the transgender agenda, anti English/British agenda, pushing Critical Race Theory in all its many disguises. So I took a stand against it. The video is approximately November 2019.

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