EP 30- Leftist Lunacy

3 years ago

In this episode I go over how the media & the left pushes more Fear Porn after the discovery of the new Omicron variant & creates a never ending cycle of anxiety for a lot of people. How the Corporate Media & Big Tech have unchecked power. They control the flow of information while deciding what is & isn't the truth.
- I call out Slow Joe for his blatant hypocrisy & flat out lies when he addresses the American people. Americans are waking up to the fact that what Biden says doesnt match with reality.
- I talk about the how the radical left is destroying blue states & cities by implementing Marxist policies.
- How moral collapse is happening in this country due to the fact of a slow process that takes over our institutions & indoctrinates the masses. This sets in motion the conditions for a Marxist takeover & I have the receipts.
And So Much More!

-Story of Twitter’s CENSORSHIP of the American Heart Association👇

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Intro Music By BenSound.com

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