Gregory Lessing Garrett | Luciferian Control, Babylon, Language Manipulation

6 years ago

This is a two hour interview that contains some of the most mind blowing material and complex deep discussion that has ever been recorded.

Gregory Lessing Garrett is the author of a new book which exposes the hidden history of Lucifers effect on our modern science. The book he wrote “The Scientism Delusion” maps out the Luciferian conquest of our minds.

Daniel begins the show by making some small talk with Greg. Not long after they begin a slow descent into the Luciferian control grid. Greg explains how long ago the Elites figured out they could control the population much easier using language rather than with force. Greg explains how what we are seeing is nothing more than a repeat of what happened back in Ancient Babylon.

Greg and Daniel spend quite a bit of time on the topic of Luciferianism with Greg highlighting all the various institutions such as schools, religion and secret societies which are completely dominated by the new age materialistic doctrine which will one say see us attempting to enter into space to meet our ancient alien creators.

They discuss A.I., predictive programming, the existence of aliens/demons, the possibility that Space is faked and much much more as Lucifers deceptive light comes unwound in this exciting interview.

Daniel comes back from break ready to rock as he tackles the latest Trump drama, takes a call from Todd and then Daniel goes on a long winded intense rant about why he is mad bro.

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