3 years ago

BREAKING: The Vaccine "RINGS" being discovered at over 1000x magnification under atomic-electron microscopes, are creating a problem for globalist elite big biotech. It is now apparent that these Nano sized elements are NOT biodegradable & seem to both obscure and literally "hatch" some sort of translucent nanobot contingent - in other words the RINGS represent some sort of delivery system. As the American hero Dr. Peter McCullough M.D. has correctly pointed out - THE LOADED mRNA NOVEL VACCINES ARE NOT ABOUT COVID.

Oh well, the elitists at Big Pharma, Big Tech, Big Fed etc. feel they are untouchable - above the law and immune from prosecution. So what of the vaccines have razor sharp nano blades that chop up and pulverize an injectees immunity system making them prone to get seriously ill. With the promotion of Trump and the mandates of the likes of Biden, Merkel, Morrison etc. they coreced 4 billion to get vaccinated so de-pop mission accomplished.

ALSO BREAKING: leading research scientists in the fields of Nano-robotics, biochemistry & virology are systematically disappearing; their careers professionally & economically isolated & destroyed & many are being beaten or even killed by the faithful of the Medical SS Needle Nazi movement. At the nanoscale level, those who dare to investigate or disclose publicly the contents of the Big Pharma serums (the vaccines, Sputnik, AstraZeneca's, are almost all made up of the same evil ingredients world wide- the fetal tissue baby part from which the cell line is derived being the only differentiation for patent sake. HEK etc. No Christian can take of this vaccine for this reason alone (Psalm 139).

But there are other more nefarious reasons why no reasonable, sane person who cares for they and their loved ones health, should ever get jabbed, AI (Artificial Intelligence, Nano surveillance chips, CRISPER Nano sixed gene/RNA editing processors etc. have all reached an apex in research development the past decade. Exponential creation, production & distribution of the Nano world is a fact and de-population (what certain elitist's call population control).

Learn in these next two reports what these Nano technologies are doin to reduce world populations the next 2 years. Absolutely shocking video of arrests and abductions of science heroes and truthtellers etc.

And why was Donald Trump the Federal funder and friend of Fauci and Gates for these so called "Operation Warp Speed) mRNA fetal tissue based vaccines? Trump delivered them even as the new American Hitler Joe Biden endeavors to enforce them via unconstitutional mandates. In fact, the Spanish Flu from 1918 to 1920 would have concluded its 3 phases by now. So what then is prolonging this plandemic,? What's the Federal Gov. Big Pharma, Big Tech & Mainstream Media rush to get people from 6 months old to 100 to all get JABBED?

Why continue to sacriant & coerce free Americans to get a Jabby Jabby with an experimental vaccine that has been proven NOT TO WORK protecting injectees from catching COVID or from spreading it. The VAERS Reporting is now flowing into research depts. of health agencies around the globe. . As the study groups rolls in. the data does NOT bode well for the fake "operation warp speed "Bill Gates lineage of vaccines. BTW, Trump is deceitful - the Gates mRNA Vaccines have been around since 2007. OPERATION WARP SPEED NEVER HAPPENED. It was all a lie and a grand hoax.

God must intervene to save our America from the coming medical carnage on a scale inconceivable if these illegal vax mandates continue. But they will be stopped by the grace of Almighty GOD. We here at InspoNews are working toward that end 24/7. Most people have no idea of the evil forces arrayed against our great nation at this time in history. We get it and are fighting everyday to SAVE LIVES. Ephesians 6:12-18

Ephesians 3:20-21
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