11-17-21 California Police Officers Sue City of Los Angeles, Mayer, & City Council

3 years ago

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Feeling inspired to donate to The Rachel Hamm Show? You may do so here:

2. Cash App: $Therachelhamm

3. Venmo: @RachelHamm29 (for Venmo you might need the last 4 numbers of my phone number. They are: 8288)

If you'd like to donate to Rachel's Secretary of State campaign, you may do so here:

If you’d like to purchase Rachel’s autobiography, “Life Beginning”, you can get it on http://rachelhamm.com or on Amazon.
"Life Beginning" is available in paperback and Kindle.

Let’s connect
Instagram: @therachelhamm
Twitter: @rachelhammSOS

Rachel‘s personal website is: http://rachelhamm.com

If you’d like to mail Rachel something, you can send it to:
PO Box 2866
Clovis, CA 93613

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