count yer blessings part 1

3 years ago

grateful for fiona, a car with heat!
lucky to have fambly even if we don't get along
whenever they're not around i'll miss not getting along w/ em
good job+good coworkers (work fam)
my ability to work+make $
pursuing my comedy "career"
creative abilities and passionate about living up to them
yt followers,thank you so much for continuing to watch me regardless of all this rambling
i need a whole separate list for what i'm not grateful for but then again...
inspire me to continue to be awesome outta spite
i take back my previous statement
internalizing my comment section
why "retaliate"
not gonna waste my time doin what everyone else does that i hate so much
everything feels exactly the same
if you don't have sumin to contribute LEAVE ME ALONE
grateful for various levels of sobriety
it's just not the same
i can't look at it like i used to
i still understand how i saw it before
so lucky to get outta that life before it was too late
we lost a lotta self respect
so grateful for this sammich shop
i know i bitch about america a lot but i am truly grateful for the freedom that we have
grateful that i'm the kinda person that questions my reality
this song is so fitting right now
america is the epitome of mass consumerism
it's good to appreciate what's important
they want you to care about things that will never benefit you

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