Multidimensional Peter Slattery Mary Rodwell James Gilliland John Vivanco Jason Gleaves Dr. Sharnael

3 years ago

We are MULTIDIMENSIONAL ⚡️ to discuss this new film MULTIDIMENSIONAL with Peter Maxwell Slattery,Mary Rodwell ,James Gilliland, John Vivanco, Jason Gleaves & Dr. Sharnael Wolverton Sehon - Swiftfire International ⚡️

Watch now at this link


Peter Maxwell Slattery is an international bestselling author, speaker and educator, assisting with spiritual development, self discovery, connection to spirit guides, soul family, purpose, balance and joy to the earthly experience and God within. His E.T experiences started at an early age and continue to this day, with hundreds of witnesses to events. Pete’s experiences have been detailed in an overwhelming amount of photographic and video evidence related to UFOs, otherworldly Beings, and apparitions, which have been analyzed by Jason Gleaves (Ex-U.K. Air Force and Aerospace), and remote viewed by John Vivanco (The Psychic Spy) and his group, which has worked for the FBI.

Pete's story also includes physical trace evidence.Pete’s experiences with extraterrestrials have led him to help people and groups make ET contact themselves, in addition to healing and tapping into their own abilities. He has appeared on History Channel's Ancient Aliens and Paranormal Caught On Camera, Channel 7's Prime News, and Sunrise, and many other international television programs. He has made worldwide news, been in numerous documentaries, been written about in magazines, and has been a guest on mainstream radio shows, including Coast-to-Coast. Pete is also a musician and, as a filmmaker, he has made a number of documentaries on the subject of E.T's. He was featured in The Cosmic Secret, which was a number one documentary film on iTunes in 2019, and James Gilliland's Contact Has Begun 2. Also, his UFO footage was featured in Close Encounters of The 5th Kind, which was also a number one film on iTunes in 2020. ​
Peter Maxwell Slattery continues to open the world up to the greater reality that "We are not alone" and that "We are all amazing, powerful Beings."

James Gilliland is a best-selling author, internationally known lecturer, minister, counselor, multiple Near Death Experiencer and contactee. James is recognized world-wide as the founder of the Gilliland Estate, previously referred to and commonly known as the ECETI Ranch (Enlightened Contact with Extraterrestrial Intelligence) where he documents and shares amazing multi-dimensional contact phenomenon which can be viewed at

Mary Rodwell RN, midwife, counselor, hypnotherapist, and three time author . Co-founder and Principal of ACERN (Australian Close Encounter Resource Network.) ACERN supports individuals and families with "encounter" experiences. It also provides information to the public and raising awareness in therapeutic/medical and healing professions. ACERN recently featured in the "The Australian Doctors" Journal, (November 2003,) re the Abduction Phenomenon. Author and International speaker Mary has appeared in several television documentaries.



In 1995, the CIA declassified their 20 year old program that used Psychic Spies in order to gain information on people, locations, and events that could not be known through conventional intelligence gathering. They called it Remote Viewing.
Shorty after the declassification, John was trained in this method of information retrieval, and because of his skills, he quickly became a professional Remote Viewer and Director of Operations for one of the few successful civilian remote viewing think tanks to date – Trans Dimensional Systems.
He remote viewed and ran teams of remote viewers on client projects; from the technology and financial sector, to counter-terror for the FBI, and mysterious projects for other alphabet agencies.
After closing shop in the early 2000’s due to death threats, and continual harassment by a covert group intent on shutting the business down, John turned his focus to pursuing his interest in TV and media, while still running a team of Remote Viewers under RightHemispheric.

His book "A time Before Secret Words "

Dr. Sharnael Wolverton Sehon - Swiftfire International author , naturopathic doctor and conference speaker specializes in igniting all to TRUTH and TRUE wholeness path mind , body and Spirit. Dr. Sharnael has done this through speaking in over 44 countries , writing 5 books including “The Science of Miracles” , producing her Crystal Oils and Decree Deck and using online classes , social media and Swiftfire TrueTv .
Also found on
Her website

Swiftfire True Tv 📺 🔥

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