Opposing School Board???

2 years ago

I did not make this video, and credits should goto whomever made this.

Videos like this should be made more and more and people need to keep opposing the Gov't on this "Fake Plandemic" virus that hardly kills people based on CDC Pdf and stats.

CDC Pdf says anything covid related is a covid death.
CDC scenario says "Over" 99 percent survival rate.
https://openvaers.com/ says 1.7 Million adverse events from , ... well don't say Vaxxines cause that's blasphemous.
Masks are useless, according to facts not only by this video but many other people are also presenting this information.
Vaxxed people also spread the virus.
UnVaxxed people also spread the virus.
The covid death jabbs do not "Prevent" the virus (Which hardly kills people).

There are more facts about this topic, and we need more people to spread the word, we do not have to fear the virus, not with it's death record stats. Vaxxine injuries/deaths are exceeding above the claimed "Saved lives".

You can learn more about the CDC Pdf in my link below:

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