2022 Psychic Predictions

2 years ago

Psychic predictions 2022 psychic reading


India psychic predictions: https://youtu.be/oS7AtdcCaOU

China psychic predictions: https://youtu.be/Sej2-V6sqvE

2022 full year:
Aliens shaking Joe Bidens hand, deal being made. Positive. Technology presented to public.
Juggling complexity of integration. How far to go?
Slow release to control society - also not ready.
Massive changes in the US economy. Devastating for some, good for others. Long term positive, yet controlled. New external threat unites humanity.
Re-writing of policies, increased efficiency. Global unity, controlled.
Bigger picture changes everything - perspective.
Mini wars around Moscow-Finland-Norway geography. Sweden. Not related to US.
US - bigger picture securing grid over world for survival purposes - not inherently negative.
Possible attacks on China. India/China video.
Futuristic (star trek vibe), cultural loss - less expressive/simplified expression. To the point.
Divisiveness goes away.
Biden like Mark Zuckerberg? Control over population - cold hard numbers.
Shift in world views. More open minded. Less radicalized sides.
Integrating new information/ways of doing things, social expectations updated.
Good for: enjoying the ride (swinging on rope swing under tree feeling wind), go with flow, keeping up with new trends, enlisting to be part of something bigger, trying new things.
Bad for: trying to be a hero, individuality, trying to fight the “enemy”, trying too hard (hit head against wall), sticking to your guns, know it all.
Advice: Learn to work together. Unity is key. 2022 all about Unity. Go with flow (water).

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