The Weekly Energy Foresight for December 06-12, 2021

3 years ago

Tarot Cards: The Nightmare Before Christmas
by: Minerva Siegel
art by: Abigail Larson

Oracle Cards: ArchAngel Oracle
by: Hay House

🔮 December 6-12, 2021

🕯 Six Of Candles (Wands)


You are on the right track and have this creates a boost in the confidence sector - YAY!

Allow this momentum to continue through the week by stepping into this feeling of optimistic outcome for everything you touch can turn to 'gold'!

Just believe it to achieve it 🏆

👼 Mid-Week ~ 06-09

Hello From Heaven

🙏 End-Week ~ 09-12

Gifts From God

🎉 Observances:

6 - Hannukah Ends

- St. Nicholas Day

- Miners' Day

7 - National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day

- National Cotton Candy Day

8 - Feast of the Immaculate Conception

- Bodhi Day

- National Brownie Day

- Pretend to be a Time Traveler Day

9 - National Pastry Day

- Christmas Card Day

- International Anti-Corruption Day

10 - Dewy Decimal System Day

- Human Rights Day

- International Animal Rights Day

- Nobel Prize Day

- National Salesperson Day

- First Quarter Moon

11- Anniversary of the Statute of Westminster

- National App Day

- UNICEF Birthday

- International Mountain Day

- International Shareware Day

12 - Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe

- Gingerbread House Day

- Poinsettia Day

- Worldwide Candle Lighting Day

- World Chorale Day



Workbook For 5th Annual Yearly Tarot Planning Party 2022:

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