Gregory Lessing Garrett | Luciferian NWO Anti-Christ, Transhumanism, Alien Grand Deception

6 years ago

Gregory Lessing Garrett is the author of a new book which exposes the hidden history of Lucifer's effect on our modern science. The book he wrote “The Scientism Delusion” maps out the Luciferian conquest of our minds and the multiple inverted layers of lies and deceptions that have completely re-written our reality.

This is Greg's second appearance on the show. Daniel had talked to Greg privately about the success of the first interview with him and invited him back to delve further into the multi-layered Luciferian matrix of deception that is peppered throughout our human history.

Greg then goes on to give an interview that lasts three and one half hours. Daniel states later that he only let it go so long because it was such a hot fire interview!

They get into the Luciferian New Age psychedelic drug pushing unlocking psychic abilities and how by rebelling, you can actually be pushed into Lucifer's trans-humanist future. The world stage unfolds as puppets are revealed and we learn about the truth of the Illuminati and how they have not only convinced us we are on a ball but that Alien gods are going to come save us. Names such as Albert Pike and Madame Blavatsky are brought up as well as Aleister Crowley and Jack Parsons who all helped sow the seeds for the new age.

Greg reveals his exciting upcoming book about the coming of the Ant-Christ and the alien deception much to Daniels excitement.

Daniel comes back from break with a huge announcement. He makes it clear that he is done with left vs. right political manipulation. He know sees through the lies to a deeper level and can no longer support either the right or left due to the danger of violence. He then pledges to support Libertarian candidate Adam Kokesh as next president.

Daniel then talks about Clyde Lewis's reputation of being threatened and car bombed due to the nature of his show.

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