Hillary Clinton - "We Came, We Saw, He Died!"

3 years ago

Hillary Clinton - "We Came, We Saw, He Died!"

Laughing About Muammar Gaddafi

Veni Vidi Vici was the brief words spoken by Caesar, pronounced "Kaiser" when he said, 'I came, I saw and I conquered.'

Hillary Clinton's phrase that, "We Came, We Saw, He Died," referred to the US illegal invasion of Libya and the murder of a foreign leader. This news clip is relevant to Obama and Hillary's war crimes and her personal involvement in the assassination of Prime Minister Muammar Gaddafi.

Clinton on Qaddafi - We came, we saw, he died - Video from CBS News


Hillary Emails Reveal True Motive for Libya Intervention

Newly disclosed emails show that Libya’s plan to create a gold backed currency to compete with the euro and dollar was a motive for NATO’s intervention.

The New Year’s Eve release of over 3,000 new Hillary Clinton emails from the State Department has CNN abuzz over gossipy text messages, the “who gets to ride with Hillary” selection process set up by her staff, and how a “cute” Hillary photo fared on Facebook.

But historians of the 2011 NATO war in Libya will be sure to notice a few of the truly explosive confirmations contained in the new emails: admissions of rebel war crimes, special ops trainers inside Libya from nearly the start of protests, Al Qaeda embedded in the U.S. backed opposition, Western nations jockeying for access to Libyan oil, the nefarious origins of the absurd Viagra mass rape claim, and concern over Gaddafi’s gold and silver reserves threatening European currency.

Libyan Prime Minister Muammar al-Gaddafi, murdered by Western backed rebels on October 20, 2011, planned to create a gold-backed African currency to compete with the dollar and euro.



Exposing the Libyan Agenda: A Closer Look at Hillary’s Emails

Critics have long questioned why violent intervention was necessary in Libya. Hillary Clinton’s recently published emails confirm that it was less about protecting the people from a dictator than about money, banking, and preventing African economic sovereignty.

The brief visit of then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to Libya in October 2011 was referred to by the media as a “victory lap.” “We came, we saw, he died!” she crowed in a CBS video interview on hearing of the capture and brutal murder of Libyan leader Muammar el-Qaddafi.

But the victory lap, write Scott Shane and Jo Becker in the New York Times, was premature.


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