3 years ago


☸️❓ Buddhism is the fourth largest religion in the world. And it is also a transnational religion meaning that we find Buddhists in every country in the world, and there are a number of countries in the world that are majority Buddhists. Most Buddhists would think of themselves as belonging to one of three schools of Buddhism. Theravada Buddhism, which we find in South and Southeast Asia. Mahayana Buddhism, which we find in East Asia. And Vajrayana Buddhism, which we find in Tibet and Mongolia.

☸️❓ Buddhists believe that we're already enlightened Buddhas and we just have to realize that ourselves. And for Buddhists, because the focus isn't on God, we can transform ourselves to become enlightened. We can understand the world in a particular way where we see the truth of our own natures. And in that respect, Buddhism is a self-empowering religion that many people gravitate towards because it doesn't necessitate that they worship any particular deity or engage in any other type of ritual other than meditation, contemplation, and introspection.

☸️❓ They believe in Reincarnation: "Suffering didn't begin at birth and finish with death. Suffering was endless. Unless it was possible to find a way out, become enlightened, become a Buddha.

☸️❓ The idea is from life to life, to progress more and more toward the enlightenment and become wiser and wiser.
It could take them a billion lifetimes if they're very stubborn.
And becoming a Buddha, becoming enlightened, is the only way of getting out of the continual cycle of death and rebirth ( Reincarnation ).


✝️❗️ This is False. The Bible says in Hebrews 9:27
"And as it is appointed unto men ONCE to die, but after this the JUDGEMENT:"
And once you die it's either Eternal Life or Eternal Punishment.

✝️❗️ The only way to have Eternal Life is by trusting in what Jesus Christ did to pay for all your sins: he is God, part of the trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit (he's the Son)) became flesh (human), lived a sinless life, died for us (in our place) on the cross, was buried and went to Hell, and resurrected 3 days later.

✝️❗️ John 3:16: "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son (Jesus), that WHOSOEVER BELIEVETH IN HIM (Trust him) should NOT PERISH (die), but have EVERLASTING LIFE."


Documentary by Pastor Steven Anderson
(more credits in beginning & end of film)

November 29th, 2017 ( Wednesday )
11292017 ( date in mm/dd/yyyy )


✨ The Bible Way to Heaven ( 7 Minutes )
✨ https://rumble.com/vj8zqj-the-bibles-way-to-heaven.html


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