Trading Code 6 & Code 7 Trading Indicators

3 years ago

Took a Code 7 trade and while in this trade another Code 6 trade happened going in the same direction. Then another Code 7 trade came followed by another Code 6 trade. I changed my exit to follow the codes and went for more ticks each time. I finally exited the trade today Monday shortly after the market opened. As you can see from this video using trading code 6 and trading code 7 trading indicators you can be extremely successful in your trading. If you struggle in your trading or you want to trade better than you do or you're a beginner looking for the right system to purchase you've come to the right place. My codes will be a game changer in your trading success. I will be back with more videos showing the success using the codes and I'll be back for some teaching trading in general. If you're interested in learning the codes you can learn more through the following link:

Happy Trading,
Trader X
Day Trading The Chart

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