Gregory Lessing Garrett | Hegelian Dialectic, False Enlightenment, Evolution Hoax

6 years ago

Gregory Lessing Garrett joins End of Days Radio for an exciting third interview. Greg is the author of the Scientism Delusion which is one of the hottest new truth books around due to its cutting edge perspective on the Luciferian elite and their manipulation of the world. The book covers how many things considered scientific are actually anything but, what they are, are occult doctrines being pushed on society.

In the first interview Greg laid out the basics of the deception, in the second we looked into the future at the coming New World Order anti-christ and how the Alien Deception will be a catalyst. In this third interview Daniel and Greg actually talk about Christ himself quite a bit. Daniel explains how he was fooled into believing that Jesus was not an actual historical figure which Greg responds to by explaining that things were similar for him. Greg explains how he bought into the New Age psychedelic deception as he experimented with things like DMT and shrooms only to wind up feeling empty eventually. There is actually a moral to this story as it mirrors the garden of Eden and the apple that was offered to man. It seems that we are always chasing secrets and never finding them before our lives run out.

Daniel asks Greg if he ever saw anything Supernatural while on psychedelics. Greg explains a very unique and troubling vision he had of an entire ocean of rotting skeletons begging for his help. Daniel wonders if this all is meant to be as both him and Greg have been getting a lot of very positive feedback since the first two interviews happened. Daniel then asks Greg if they really do plan to kill us and if he would ever write a book about Christ himself.

Daniel comes back and talks about protesting, Jesus being a historical figure, Whoopi Goldberg, blood moons and reads a very touching message from a listener.

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