How Mike Griffiths generates 20 new referrals a month using his Million Dollar Referral System

2 years ago

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Referrals are amongst the best way to get quality leads for your business. Referral marketing ideas and strategies can help you grow your business.
Partnerships in business can be the best thing that ever happened to a company, but without knowing how to organize the partnership and how to manage it… it WILL fail. No matter how good it was at the start.

Key points on the video:

4 Key Levels in Business:
1. Transactional Focus
- Hunter mindset
- Spam Approach
- Script Creation

2. Process Driven
- outcome mindset
- Value add approach
- content creation

3. Leader Driven
- connection mindset
- marketing approach
- relationship creation

4. Expotential
- Enchanter mindset
- Brain Chemical approach
- Heartfelt creation
In business
* need to enchanting mindset - people should be magnetized to us through touch points
e.g - invoices, email signatures

*will we generate dopamine/serotonin or cortisol?

* wow factor, being talked about, leave people with a smile

*hope people do well on a subliminal level

*People return to experiences that make them feel good

DISCLAIMER You can assume that I will receive compensation for anything I recommend. Any earnings or income representations are aspirational statements only of your earning potential. There is no guarantee that you'll receive the same results or any results at all for that matter. Your results will depend entirely on your work ethic, experience, etc.. (I can't physically force you to do the work) As always there is risk with any business. I am not a financial advisor and nothing in this video should be considered legal advice. You should do your own due diligence and research.

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