Intro- Juan O Savin - DISCLOSURES and FREEDOM UPDATE –[mirrored]

3 years ago

Intro- Juan O Savin - DISCLOSURES and FREEDOM UPDATE –[mirrored]

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ

I am not only directing this information channel towards my follow Catholics or Christians in unity with our Lord Jesus Christ, but for anyone who wishes to expand their awareness of what is actually going on in our real world around us. The Main Stream Media (MSM) is all left-wing propaganda and extremely deceptive with a hidden agenda. We are in a spiritual warfare and at war for humanity. We all need to wake up to what is actually going on before all our freedoms are stripped away.

Thank you and God bless, Marcum.

- Good News Translation – (Hosea 4:6)
“My people are doomed because they do not acknowledge me. You priests have refused to acknowledge me and have rejected my teaching, and so I reject you and will not acknowledge your sons as my priests.”

- King James Version – (Hosea 4:6)
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.”

- In this introduction video to the top 40 red-pill list, it was eventually chosen to be listed first because of the broad topics covered and the great graphics of information overlying the video interview. Juan O Savin is a controversial figure in this information war, however please focus on the information presented for now. Do your own research and make up your own mind. Most importantly, pray for discernment and the truth. Keep in mind, the underlying war is for our children, both physically and spiritually. That is the goal and prize of the enemy.

Also, our reality is far more complex than me know. Our true history has been controlled and manipulated. History and a world far older and complex than I originally thought. Our human bodies are far more complex and transcend into complex multi-dimensional interacting realms. Nothing I will say will contradict the bible or our identity as Catholics (Christ’s original church founded on apostle Peter) or any Christian in unity with the body of Christ. Humanity is one with God, however faced with a common enemy. The enemy wants our children. Personal childhood memories and experiences can contest to that. The enemy already infiltrated the church, the Vatican, organized religions, governments and most world leaders.

You are invited to follow the difficult road in discovering the truth of our existence on earth. You will not find truth in the mainstream media (MSM), dumb programmed TV or fake news. Please follow the list of my mirrored video selections. We are the new digital warriors in battle with the system and against the cabal and against the evil secret societies in control.

This Content Is Mirrored. Please support the original creator. All credit, royalties and sincere thanks to the original source of this video.

Juan O Savin - DISCLOSURES and FREEDOM UPDATE – [mirrored]

DaveWaterbury Published September 21, 2021

Rumble — Hold on tight; The next 2 weeks will be historic. We must go thru this rough period to get rid of the corruption, and leave a better world for future generations. Highly-connected political insiders Juan O Savin, Dave X22, Dan RadioStyle, Michael Matt, and others give their insights. Pray that we have success.
Original link:

Also, please checkout the following links, both heavily censored for being the truth.

-SHADOW GATE – FULL FILM by Millie Weaver – 2020

Banned from Youtube – watch version from below link


Rebel News - INTERVIEW: Dr. Byram Bridle, leading viral immunologist and vaccinologist on COVID-19 vaccines

In this exclusive interview with Dr. Bridle, we discuss his concerns around this never-before-seen technology being injected en masse into Canadians.
• By Tamara Ugolini
• September 24, 2021

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