over 61,000 people used the Skinny Ballot in the 2020 Presidential Election in Milwaukee Wisconsin

3 years ago

Wisconsin Call to Action: Call or Email Your Senators!

Election Observer
- 11/3/2020 @ 6 AM - 181,500 issued 165,269 returned
- An Assister is supposed to sign on the ballot that they assisted you
- over 61,000 people used the Skinny Ballot, they use a bar code

The most impactful witnesses

This was the Wisconsin State Legislature Election Hearing and one of the main reasons, a Full Forensic Audit needs to be done for the 2020 Presidential Election for the state of Wisconsin.

Some of the best witnesses from the hearing!

This is the NTD News live recording of the 'Wisconsin State Legislature Election Hearing' on 12/11/2020

#2000Mules (https://2000mules.com)

Segment of:

7+ Hour Original Source:

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