Wisconsin legally required to remove 200,000 old names from voter roles, but it didn't ..in contempt

3 years ago

Wisconsin Call to Action: Call or Email Your Senators!

Talk Show Host/Investigative Reporter
- '.. every single one of her more than 20 clients told her that they were either pressured to vote for Democratic Presidential Candidate Joe Biden or had a vote cast for Biden in their name'
- '.. it is illegal for a deceased person's vote to count in the state ..' '.. the vote was counted ..'
- '.. in direct violation with Wisconsin law ..'
- '.. legally required to remove 200,000 old names from voter roles, but it didn't and even was held in contempt of court for failing to doing so'
- '..the W.E.C. ignored the clear letter and intent of state law in denying both Kanye West and the Green Party access to our states ballot, so that they would not take votes away from Joe Biden'
- '.. were the birthplace of the Republican Party and the Progressive Movement'

The most impactful witnesses

This was the Wisconsin State Legislature Election Hearing and one of the main reasons, a Full Forensic Audit needs to be done for the 2020 Presidential Election for the state of Wisconsin.

Some of the best witnesses from the hearing!

This is the NTD News live recording of the 'Wisconsin State Legislature Election Hearing' on 12/11/2020

#2000Mules (https://2000mules.com)

Segment of:

7+ Hour Original Source:

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