i dunno what's goin on either, marvin (4th box of cds)

3 years ago

fuck yes, krs1
do you understand, we will be here FOREVER!
that's george harrison, my favorite beatle
paisley, aka tiger teeth/arlo#2 (original arlo is somewhere else)
i probably shouldn't have filmed my address
plz don't come here and kill me, that's wrong
IRS because we can!
the only thing of value at my house: me
waiting n waiting n waiting
first thing we see: fleetwood mac
way more white confetti pieces
fuck yes, jefferson airplane
marvin gaye is so lucky he got outta here when he did
13th floor elevators: best psychedelic band EVER
we love the fuck outta jefferson airplane
aretha always
fleetwood mac, old peter green, new stevie nicks
loretta lynn, gospel
johnny cash, gospel (a must right now)
yet another copy of rumours
sex pistols: there is no future (so true!)
final cd: grateful dead
i have a couple more cds on back order
go digital, kill myself you say?
no novelty in digital anything
you don't appreciate spotify

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