Aussie PM pushes voter id laws (12-6-21)

3 years ago
A reader emails: Australia is a totalitarian control grid. There is no dignity of the human being left untouched if government wants to touch it. It has no constitutional culture, no culture of liberty and cultural respect for due process no instinctive disgust of government intrusion.

The most basic building block for family formation, a family home to live in, is considered by almost all Australians, to be merely an investment scheme for pumping up a sky high, psychotic real estate ponzi scheme, the birthrate plummets and is made up for by immigrants.

Traffic laws insane, big fines for driving even five kilometers over the limit, or three miles in imperial. Car registration costs $800 per year per car. Time zone always wildly hard to call the other side of the world. No right to even defend your own home with a gun from home invaders.
The ease with which the leftist government take away liberties is just stunning. A whimper of protest is all that ever results.

No free speech. The regime arbitrarily bans foreign right wing speakers from coming here on a speaking tour, Milo is banned, Gavin McInmes banned, many others banned.

Red tape and regulations on everything, a weir supermarket monopoly or duopoly of Coles and Woolworths with $60 packets of cigarettes. Completely impossible to find an old school Aussie pub they are all overpriced santised places. No variety of states, each state is a totalitarian leftist control grid. Some more insanely far left than others. No conservative towns or cities. Cultural hatred of colonial and anglo history. Land acknowledgement insanity even at private weddings.

Insane restraining order laws, feminist deletion of due process in courts, "affirmative consent" lawsz easy, very easy to be ailed for false rape accusations. Imagine if PBS and NPR had 20% of the media market in the US, the leftist ABC is this powerful!
No vibrant culture war or pubic debate on anything, far left climate alarmism is just assumed to be necessary policy by both sides of the aisle One in four women have had abortions. The aussie accent on a woman is grating. The men have lost testosterone in last few decades so even their voices are annoying as fuck, very few Aussie men have a deep voice anymore.

Angry hectoring signs and rules and prohibitions everywhere in public. Not a democracy, a full fledged academic run technocratic bureaucracy state. Vaping is banned without a prescription, it is illegal to open a vape store, academics decided this not government, many such cases. No probable cause needed for traffic stops. None needed for car searches. Strip searches common by police. Centralised statewide police forces mean more top down command and control totalitarian policing, no such thing as a city or county police.

All forced psychiatric commitments and forced drugging is done extrajudicial, thousands of aussies rot in mental hospitals without any due process. No day in court. No culture of liberty and mistrust of big government. A nation of compliant sheep, founded by prison guards two hundred an fifty years ago ad still run by prison guards. Nothing ever happen in the news. So everyone follows American news.

Bizarre total acceptance of 10% of everyone's salary being denied to them until age 65 in the superannuation forced saving for retirement scheme. High taxes. Endless snooping powers of taxation authorities.

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