The Kingdom of God and Saint Paul (Teaching 12 of 39) - The KOG Entrepreneur Show - Episode 49

3 years ago

In this episode Steven discusses the Apostle Paul's take on the Kingdom of God and how he focused on the concept of "In Christ". Paul used his belief in Jesus as Messiah to explain the freedom mankind has as a result of being "In Christ" versus being in the flesh.

12. Paul’s Writings (Col. 1:27-28). “In Christ” is the expression Paul most frequently uses to designate the new life potential through the gospel. The Messiah (Christ) being King, the term clearly places the believer in the circle of all that is represented and contained in the King, His salvation conquest, and His personal rule. The essential truth is that the Savior-King has come, and in Him the rule of God has altered the limits sin has heretofore placed on individuals. People no longer need be ruled by their carnality (flesh) or controlled by evil (the devil). Being freed, that is, transferred to a new kingdom, they can know the joy of a relationship with God through the power of the Cross and can realize a beginning reinstatement of their rulership under God, through the power of the Holy Spirit. Thereby, living in the King’s kingdom brings a dual hope: eternity with Christ and the promise of grace to begin “reigning in life.” Now, “in Christ” designates the new life that may be lived in the benefits of, and by the power of, the King Jesus, “who has brought life [reigning in life presently in Christ—Rom. 5:17] and immortality [reigning forever with Christ—Rev. 22:5] to light through the gospel” (2 Tim. 1:10).

Hayford, Jack W. ; Thomas Nelson Publishers: Hayford's Bible Handbook. Nashville : Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1995

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