Obama Passed Law To Increase Technology -Windows 10 Cortana Will Study You!

3 years ago

I believe with all my heart that this is one of the most important video messages I have ever put out in regards to being a Watchman for Jesus Christ and I pray that many many people wake up and see what is right in front of them before it is too late! I am sounding a MAJOR Alarm for this weekend! What happens will line up with the Word of God I do not know if it is Spiritual, Physical or BOTH but I know Congress will go into Recess in August with all of these Major issues pending and we are running out of time to sound the alarm! Will it be a major earthquake? An attack, major civil unrest only God knows this I only know in part but I know I have been Called to Warn. Seek Jesus Now. I do not think I will be Raptured this weekend and I want to be on the record saying this but No One knows the Day or the Hour it could happen right now the message is Wake Up, Be Prepared and Turn /Return to Jesus TODAY! Shalom
Links: 7-5-2012 My dream, an Angel shows me numbers and says "WAR" then Rebukes the enemy! https://youtu.be/vjTi8w3iwCw 7-8-2012 A Vision from God- Obama won the November Election-Tribulation-End of the Age-Prophecy https://youtu.be/sSuDx5vfSzA Executive Order -- Creating a National Strategic Computing Initiative
https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2015/07/29/executive-order-creating-national-strategic-computing-initiative Urgent warning about the danger of Windows 10 https://youtu.be/LaZMznZvJAs https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?version=KJV&search=Matthew%2024 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?version=KJV&search=Revelation%2013

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