Colder Than Of Late by Ken Whitemore

3 years ago

Saturday-Night Theatre
Sat 18th Dec 1976, 20:30 on BBC Radio 4 FM
Colder than of Late by Ken Whitmore

'My God! The mill band marching through the snow up to their ankles. There's a bonfire up the road. People linking hands and circling round the fire. Talk about pagan rites!’

Even if the villagers have been tortured by a vindictive, spiteful grasping woman, Superintendent Baxter doesn't expect her murder to be a cause for celebration.
Produced and directed by Alfred Bradley BBC Manchester

Norman Minshull/George Sarum: Russell Dixon
Martha Murrain: Sheila Price
Det Supt Baxter: John Franklyn-Robbins
Peter/Sgt Titus: John Jardine
Stanley Grinton:
Harry Beety
Rev Arthur Sinico:
Ronald Herdman
Charlotte Perigorde/Susan Sarum:
Heather Stoney
Dr Dunsany/Rose: Bonnie Hurren

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