SAIF 9 - Dr Phillip Altman on vaccine approvals and lack of therapeutic perspective.

3 years ago

I catch up with Dr Phillip Altman to discuss the TGA, Vaccine approval, Adverse Drug Reporting, PCR, Government Policy, Media reporting, loss of perspective, creating fear, acknowledgements.

Dr Altman is a well known Australian authority on clinical trials and regulatory affairs with more than 30 years experience in clinical research and regulatory affairs. He is a graduate of Sydney University with an Honours degree in Pharmacy, Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy (pharmacology and pharmaceutical chemistry) degrees. Dr Altman also co-founded and is a Life Member of the largest professional body of pharmaceutical industry scientists involved in clinical research and regulatory affairs (Association of Regulatory and Clinical Scientists to the Australian Pharmaceutical Industry Ltd – ARCS). As well as working in senior management positions for several multinational companies including Merrell-Dow, Hoechst, Roussel and GD Searle, Dr Altman established his own company, Pharmaco Pty Ltd, one of the first contract research organizations (CRO’s) where he served as a Senior Industry Consultant.

Dr Phillip Altman, Quadrant -

Prof Robert Clancy, Quadrant -

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