Archeology , Ron Wyatt ,Bible & Truth -Red Sea Crossing

6 years ago

Many other biblical archaeological discoveries have not faced as much resistance as these. Why do you think the discoveries of Ron Wyatt are not as well received as discoveries of pottery, biblical cities, biblical inscriptions etc?
Could it be that these discoveries have something to do with the message of judgment and salvation?
Did Ron Wyatt use his own feelings, did he have his own hidden agenda or was he inspired by God?

Com and see, listen and decide for yourself. Light Channel DK will be streaming live these recordings.
It is possible to ask questions during our live streaming on our youtube live stream here.

18.01.2018 @ 20:00

1. Ron Wyatt. Good fruit or bad fruit ? How to identify. - A dialog with Rebecca Tourniaire
What fruits identify new “light” from Satan? Christ has warned us of Satan’s methods in the Bible.
These fruits lead to people losing their salvation, but the opposite can be found in God’s good fruit;
As we are now about to test the discoveries of Ron Wyatt according to Satan’s fruits or God’s fruits, it is important to remind ourselves of the message God has entrusted to us. It is a message of judgment, “Fear God, and give glory to Him; for the hour of His judgment is come…” Revelation 14:7.
Can we use modern science to prove the Bible?

19.01.2018 @ 20:00
2. Ark of the Covenant - An interview with Rebecca Tourniaire

Every single message that God has ever preached, whether it be through a prophet, a parable, or a historical account, will always have one underlying theme. That is to turn from your sins and repent, and we find this message here in all of these discoveries. And the discovery of the Ark of the Covenant also calls us from our sins. It tells the world that the law of the Ten Commandments must be kept and not broken. That by definition is telling the world not to sin, as, “sin is the transgression of the law” 1 John 3:4.
Rebecca has written several books and produced different video documentaries based on her personal research trips to:
Great Britain, Czeck Republick, Greece, Israel (Nazareth, Bethlehem, Jerusalem), Italy (Torre Great Britain, Czeck Republick, Greece, Israel (Nazareth, Bethlehem, Jerusalem), Italy (T Great Britain, Czeck Republick, Greece, Israel (Nazareth, Bethlehem, Jerusalem), Italy (TPelice, Toronto, Piza, Rome, Napoli, Pompeii), Turkey (Istanbul, Troy, Bergama (Pergamon), Ephesus, Laodicea, Noah’s Ark site in East Turkey), Poland, Germany (Berlin), Egypt (Cairo, Luxor & Neweiba), France (Paris).

23.01.2018 @ 20:00
3.Noah’s Ark - An interview with Elin Tourniaire Haugvik Berglund

People have search for Noah`s ark in decades. Why do many think the remains have been found now? Let`s take a look at geology, archeology, history and geographical tests and documentation for the remains in the Urartu -mountains in Turkey. Have any scientists been involved? Also, what are the objections against it and why?

30.01.2018 @ 20:00
4. Sodom & Gomorrah - An interview with Elin Tourniaire Haugvik Berglund

Five cities were destroyed by fire and brimstone close to the Dead Sea. Can historical, geographical and tested physical remains tell something about the cities today? Can they really be seen after all these years and where? Why are the different alternative suggestions not valid?

6.02.2018 @ 20:00
5. Red Sea Crossing - An interview with Elin Tourniaire Haugvik Berglund
The story of Moses and the Israelites crossing the deep sea, is one of the greatest stories ever told. Since there are no findings to indicate that the Israelites have been wandering around in the traditional Sinai desert for 40 years, why have not researches discovered the alternative crossing site and the real mountain before now? Have they been looking at the wrong place? What are the specific findings based on geographical expertise as well as physical remains to prove this is a real story?

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