Sparkles Finally Free! ❤ 🐷

2 years ago

Sparkle(s) (Originally named Sparkle Sky by former owner's children) is finally free after nearly 3 weeks in animal jail after being confiscated by the assweasels of Wichita Falls animal control! The city outlawed ownership of any "swine", unless you were previously a permit holder from years back, and they don't issue any new permits now. They made no allowances for small pigs like Sparkle, who are commonly kept as pets. These tyrannical overbearing rules of intrusive gooberment are intolerable. They just take pets away, without compensation, and without objectively sound reasons, and deprive the animals of being able to go back home to their families. In this case, there were children, and a dog, who were the only family and friends Sparkle had known since she was a piglet - where she slept curled up next to her best friend, a pit bull. For nearly 3 weeks, she's been confined to a small holding cage more appropriate to a beagle or cat, and without anyone she knows. The photos of her at the pound with her head down were heartbreaking. Granted, the former owner wasn't that great and surrendered Sparkle without much fight, I guess because she didn't have the money to get her pig out of impound (she did bail her pit bull out but not Sparkle). We did have something lined up to help the owner to get Sparkle out of the pound and placed temporarily outside city limits until she could work something out and be able to take Sparkle back, or find a new home for her. But, her former owner blew us off, after a couple of days of work I did helping her to arrange options. After she failed to call the next day and didn't answer my texts until it was almost too late to get Sparkle out of the pound before the Thanksgiving weekend, I resolved that I would still help Sparkle, but that I would no longer assist this owner in getting her back, because, obviously, her priorities weren't straight and this wasn't important enough to her. That's when I began recruiting the help of others, including pig rescues. And after hearing that many were full and had no room for Sparkle, we finally found one who did have room. Sparkle is now, as of this afternoon, on her way to Piggy Sue Rescue near McKinney, Tx. and onto new adventures, and hopefully a better home.

I love you, Sparkle, and I never even got to meet you. Maybe, one day. Live long and be happy, 'lil piggy ❤ 🐷


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