Getting Into The Right Business Part 5 The Universes University

3 years ago

In this video series I will explain ways you can get into a business or career you truly want, not just one you were qualified for earlier in life or if you are just starting out getting into what you truly want to do. This follows the advice of Wallace Wattles in his classic book "The Science Of Getting Rich". Which is available as a free ebook or free ecourse on my website

So we need to get out there and start doing and learning. When is the best time to do this? Well there is no better time than right now. Don’t wait for conditions to be perfect, they never will. Don’t wait for some grand sign or do some grand gesture, that will never arrive. Get out there now and start gathering our knowledge. Of course if we are currently working or doing business in another field, don’t just quit it tomorrow but we should use it to help us get the equipment and courses we need in our new field. Always be positive, grateful, and enthusiastic about life. Remember life is an adventure.​

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