Upcoming TV Show & Movie Mashup ft. Spiderman No Way Home, The Matrix Resurrections, The Witcher

3 years ago

This is a creative writing exercise using 3 upcoming movies & tv shows to create a new premise by combining the world of SPIDER-MAN NO WAY HOME with the characters of THE MATRIX RESURRECTIONS, set in the story of THE WITCHER.

And using the combination of the multiverses and superpowers in Spiderman's world, with the awareness of reality vs. fake reality in Matrix's characters, and the quest of finding monsters in WITCHER's story, I can create a movie mashup premise.

Premise: Parts of mankind risen from the dead following the birth of the multiverse causes a chain reaction of events which leads to a small few being aware of the many worlds and realities. The one, Resurrection Man, uses his abilities with a few allies to find the hidden beasts to kill and save, in an effort to break the spell that's life which most people are under.

In an Upcoming TV & Movies Mashup entitled "RESURRECTION MAN."
#SpidermanNoWayHome #Matrix4 #TheWitcher #thematrixresurrections #thematrix4 #thematrixfanfiction #writingchannelonyoutube #creativewritingchannel #flashfictionexamples #creativewritingtips #comicsgate #fandommenace #thefandommenace #entertainment #fanfiction #creativewriting #thewitcherfanfiction #tomhollandspidermannowayhome #keanureevesthematrix4 #henrycavillthewitcher #upcomingtvshows #upcomingmovies #marvelfanfiction #marvelfanfic #creativewritingexamples #fanfictionstories #fictionwritingtips #marvelentertainment #writersblock #moviemashup

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