The Battle against the Apple Codling Moth!

3 years ago

This video shows how to use red sticky traps to help protect your apple tree against the Apple Codling Moth.

We have a single apple tree in our backyard garden. It has three varieties grafted onto the trunk:
Gala, Fuji, and Red Delicious
The Galas are the best for eating and the Fuji are the best for baking.
The Red Delicious are required to pollinate the others (they aren't self-pollinating). At least that's what the nursery told me when I bought the tree.
The Red Delicious taste okay, but they never turn super red like the ones you see in the store, probably because they're being cross pollinated with the Fuji & Gala apples.

The Gala apples mature the earliest and are the most susceptible to the Codling moth.

We're choosing to not use a pesticide since I don't want to contaminate our garden.

Here's some information about how to control this pest:

Link to my Etsy Store:

End Screen Video Acknowledgement: Cosmic Reef Video produced by NASA and the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI).

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