Adern-era apartheid policy victimized by massive Haka war dance inside a shopping complex

3 years ago

Credit Instagra's @kat_rainbird with this December 2021 footage of a massive Haka war dance inside a shopping complex.

The Haka war dance is a relic of a bygone era in which the aboriginals of the island we now call New Zealand attempted to intimidate their (aboriginal) opponents. It is known to sports fans as the display put on just before the coin toss for a match which involves the kiwi All-Black national side.

It has been revived as an expression of displeasure in the prelude to the Hunger Games world that Klaus Schwab and his associates desire to install when they Build Back Better after (if ever) the coronavirus pandemic crisis abates. The Schwabians believe that they will survive their own stupidity but as we see here, some New Zealanders are wise to their ways and viscerally opposed to their policy of vaxpass apartheid.

This demonstration of raw male power serves notice that when the Schwabians are outnumbered it is safe to exit your shell. The authorities might well use technology to their advantage but when push comes to shove, bloodshed will almost certainly ensue.

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