Reminder why we need a Full Forensic Audit in Wisconsin for the 2020 Presidential Election

3 years ago

Wisconsin Call to Action: Call or Email Your Senators!

The most impactful witnesses

This was the Wisconsin State Legislature Election Hearing and one of the main reasons, a Full Forensic Audit needs to be done for the 2020 Presidential Election for the state of Wisconsin.

Some of the best witnesses from the hearing!

This is the NTD News live recording of the 'Wisconsin State Legislature Election Hearing' on 12/11/2020

Witnesses giving testimony:

Talk Show Host/Investigative Reporter
- '.. every single one of her more than 20 clients told her that they were either pressured to vote for Democratic Presidential Candidate Joe Biden or had a vote cast for Biden in their name'
- '.. it is illegal for a deceased person's vote to count in the state ..' '.. the vote was counted ..'
- '.. in direct violation with Wisconsin law ..'
- '.. legally required to remove 200,000 old names from voter roles, but it didn't and even was held in contempt of court for failing to doing so'
- '..the W.E.C. ignored the clear letter and intent of state law in denying both Kanye West and the Green Party access to our states ballot, so that they would not take votes away from Joe Biden'
- '.. were the birthplace of the Republican Party and the Progressive Movement'

Commissioner - Wisconsin Elections Commission
- '.. we Audited 15% of their Dominion Machines'
- '.. one type of Dominion equipment was counting where you had folded the ballot it had created a crease, when the crease went through the bubble for the write-in, that counted as a vote, if you had also voted for the Republican, that counted as a double vote and it threw those out ..'
- '.. asked for an independent Audit of a certain county, all for that..'

Former WEDC Board Member
- '.. it doesn't matter why the ballots don't comply with the statute, if they don't they don't get counted, period'

- '.. Wisconsin law could not be more clear, that one cannot cast a ballot without filing an application, except in the indefinitely confined circumstance ..'
- '.. to ensure that every absentee ballot that was cast, was also accompanied by a ballot application'
- '.. I keep rehearing soundbites'

Former Election Recount Director (What he had experienced last month)
- 'A ballot without initial is a dead ballot'
- '.. the disregard of accepting ballots that are dead, that have been argued should not have been included, which in previous recounts would have been heated. To accept those ballots, those dead ballots, in my opinion is in violation of Chapter 12. Because you have election officials, that are willfully accepting ballots that are statutorily prohibited from being counted'

Employee working for the United States Postal Service
- '.. On November 3rd Election Day there were no ballots in the bin'
- .. (supposedly) 100,000 ballots are missing
- Ordered to Back Date Ballots
- Extensive security cameras

Expert Witness: Phill Kline - Director - Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society

- It's the media that says you must prove fraud
- Standard - Was the election lawful?
- 2nd ? - Do you have faith in the result
- Send 2 sets of electors or send No electors
- The constitution does not mandate December 8th or December 14th those are congressional statutes
- Told the Mayor of Racine we would give you a $100,000 grant
- Wisconsin Safe Election Plan
- You must maintain a Chain of Custody of the ballot
- Where is the video (Chain of Custody), Where are the logs that show who picked them up and what time they were picked up?
- Your election system .. would not be certified under Federal law

- Ballot drop boxes
- Left out the most important paragraph in the whole guideline regarding the safety security and transparency of the ballot drop boxes
- What did not get into the WEC document on (Ballot Drop Boxes)
- .. you need Bi-partisan teams to be at every ballot drop off location precisely when the poles close

- ((over 500 ballot drop boxes))

Election Poll Observers - Milwaukee, WI
- Fluent in Spanish
- Poll Observer asked to distance themselves 200 feet away from the poling stations
- Poll Workers telling voters vote for Biden
- Poll Workers (speaking in Spanish) were asking voters who are you going to vote for?
- Poll Worker helping voters feel out the ballot
- noticed the Poll Worker filling out a voters ballot
- Observed the Poll Inspector distributing ballots with only the Presidential Candidates on them (a.k.a. Skinny Ballot)
- Voters coached by Poll Worker to remember their address

Commissioner - Wisconsin Elections Commission
- 130,000 unaccounted for registered voters
- Where did 500 drop boxes come from
- Green Party was kept off the Election Ballot
- Kanye West tried to get on the ballot, no one was there to open the door and then told them too late when they let them in after 5:00 PM and 14 seconds
- if the address of the witness for an absentee ballot is missing, the ballot must not be counted

Election Observer - Milwaukee, WI
- Hostile Environment
- Looking up and writing people's addresses in
- Ballot Tampering
- Many Skinny or Expressed Ballots

Election Observer
- Spoiled Absentee ballots
- One way to get results from 'Registration List Alerts'

Paid Ballot Counter
- Dismissive Environment
- He saw a lot of Red ink
- Unconfirmed witness addresses on ballot envelopes, saw their Signature, saw their address, sometimes different ink, sometimes different hand writing all together
- Election Observers had binoculars
- Repeatedly Ignored
- 1 AM - Announcement Truck or Trucks full of ballots were arriving shortly

Election Observer - Absentee Voting
- Every single location she observed did everything differently
- Was told by Election staff 'We do not have to follow those procedures now, that is only done on election day'
- Law says voters 'Had to announce your name and address'
- They were accepting Geico mail for proof of residence
- 20 to 50 feet from what she was trying to observe
- Ballots in the back of SUV of Poll Worker
- The called the cops and hauled her out
- She mentioned that you could put more laws on the books, but their not following the laws that we have now

Member of Wisconsin Election Commission
- Ballots that weren't safe guarded and didn't have initials
- Witnessed thousands of cured ballots
- Ballots that were cast by people that claimed to be indefinitely confined who weren't indefinitely confined
- People in Wisconsin voted to have photo ID

Son of Elderly Voter Fraud Victim
- Dad is in a nursing home and has Dementia really bad
- It shows that his Dad voted Absentee from the nursing home

Election Observer
- 11/3/2020 @ 6 AM - 181,500 issued 165,269 returned
- An Assister is supposed to sign on the ballot that they assisted you
- over 61,000 people used the Skinny Ballot, they use a bar code
#2000Mules (

7+ Hour Original Source:

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