Feast of Skaði | Norse Pagan Holiday

3 years ago

Feast of Skaði, also Wayland Smith Day.

Thank you all for watching, as you can see I have decided to have a quiet and calm video for you to enjoy on this holiday.

In honor of Skaði, we had a small feast on duck, and a home pureed pumpkin cake.

Skaði- a jötunn as well as a goddess is associated in Norse Paganism with skiing, bowhunting, winter, and mountains. Skaði is mentioned in the Poetic Edda, in the 13th century, the Prose Edda and in Heimskringla, written in the 13th century by Snorri Sturluson, and in the works of skalds.
She is a goddess worth celebrating.

Wayland Smith Day, was a day all the Norse Pagans celebrated all the best craftsman in honor of Volund, the greatest blacksmith ever known. In the Poetic Edda, there is The Poem of Volund, on page 28. It is a sad and gruesome poem. So if you are interested, I can do a "story time" on my Patreron where I read it. Or you can purchase the Poetic Edda online and read all about it.

On the day that everyone was celebrating the traditional American holiday, I decided to go on a hike, play my Ocarina, and meditate out in the fresh crisp winter air. I also left a silver ring I crafted myself as well.

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