After claim of non-competence, Ursula wants mandatory vaccination anyhow

3 years ago

1 December 2021: Not content with her disastrous January 2021 "blunder" [0] over an imaginary future in which "EU-manufactured vaccines" would enter "the rest of the UK via Northern Ireland" the prevention of which was of such import that the Commission President threatened to trash the Brexit agreement, Ursula von der Leyen now wants power to mandate needle rape.

The dear leader has had her attorneys read the current legislation and discovered that the European Union is in no position to tell Member States how to rule on issues of health [0:00-0:04]. However! this does not mean that she cannot stick her oar in, for the future is fluid especially now that the (British) fly in the ointment has left the party.

She goes on to say--purely from a personal point of view, mind you!--that it is "an enormous health cost coming along" because "the life-saving vaccines.. are not being used adequately everywhere." So it is with her eagle eye on the budget (yes, she is German after all) that "Mandatory vaccination within the European Union needs discussion, needs a common approach. It is a discussion that has to be led." (by me)

It is a pity to conclude that she disregards the result of the Nuremberg Doctors' Trial [1].


[1] (officially United States of America v. Karl Brandt, et al.)

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