New (AGE) Sexuality? Episode 3 - Humanistic Sexuality or God's Design ? Your choice!

5 years ago

We live in the End Time when there is a great war going on in the world. The Great Controversy between good ( God of the Bible) end evil ( Satan previous name: Lucifer). There are many battlefronts and aspects to the war, but the primary war in our day is between Christianity and secular humanist ideology.

Secular humanism is a religion and a philosophy of life which views man ( the man in power)as the supreme being of the universe. It rejects the existence of God and the supernatural. It sees moral values as relative and changing and varying from person to person.

It is important for every Christian to know the subtle ways that secular humanism is manifesting itself all around us. It is important for us to make decisions on a daily basis that demonstrate that we have not been captured, to any degree, by this intoxicating and persuasive philosophy and religion. We must make good choices! But how do we know our choices are the "good" ones?

"See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ." (Colossians 2:8)

Stay on the right side of the battle!

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