Yeshua returns. Do not do the vaccin.

2 years ago

End Times vision from Pastor John Matutis
I saw an immense pasture with a very big flock of sheep. All of a sudden, from all sides wolves came out and mingled with the sheep. When i was writing this message, the Lord gave me this vision :
Neither the shepherds nor the shepherd dogs (and that detail is of high importance) gave the alert. They were lying down on the floor like hypnotized. A shallow agitation had taken the flock.
The sheep realized that something was going wrong although they didn’t want to know more. They continued to graze peacefully. While the shepherds and the dogs, them, they did not realise anything. While I looked closer, I saw wolves, and in their mouths, like ‘hooks’ similar on those of serpents and they were pinching (or stinging) the back of the sheep.
They quiver at that moment but then they continued to graze peacefully. Later the wolves left the sheep to go towards the mountain without taking a single sheep and without making any apparent hurt to the flock. Seeing all these things I told myself: It is impossible for wolves to mingle among sheep without causing any hurt. It is not normal!
Later on, when the wolves had left the flock, I saw the leader of the pack with all his horde encamped on the hill. He looked like a great beast like a monster.
Then the wolves started to howl and shout. The shepherds, the dogs and the sheep trembled, chocked and terrified. It is then that the leader of the pack, like a demon, took a human voice and said :
Shepherds, dog shepherds and you my sheep. Now, you belong to us. You are completely at our mercy. We were among you without you noticing us. Disguised as we were, we worked unnoticed in the midst of you. We succeeded to inoculate a ‘serum’ which make you ours now.
From now on, you carry our ‘mark’. We succeeded to inoculate our spirit and our device without you noticing anything. There is for you now no escape. All this flock is under our control.
We are here now to take our revenge on the men of Gadara/Gergesa (Math 8:28-34)
Remember that your Lord cast us away from Him and we had to flee in the swines. Now we became strong enough and we were able to leave our cursed home. We came back to take revenge on Him (Yeshua/Jesus) and His work. All these sheep has been infected by demons coming out from the abyss. They can’t escape anymore.
I was chocked.

That’s at this moment that the Lord told me : my son, in the following days it will be asked (mandatory) to be vaccinated against the virus of the swine flu (H1N1). It’s a snare. (A mascarade)
By this process, people will be infected (under the influence) by demons that came out from the abyss; all whom are in fact not covered with my Spirit and my seal. Indeed they will be inoculated a spirit of death, that will allow the wolves to manipulate them at will. All who will not submit and obey them (won’t follow them) . All whom will oppose or will resist will be exterminated by ‘a single press of a button'.
Note : this is what will happen although on another scale with the Coronavirus ! Many have warned us. And let us not forget that ‘one day' for God is a 1000 years on the earth. How about 10 years on the earth ? (Let us remember that the swine flu initiated in December 2009)
‘To this, there will be no escape, it is true my son’ said the Lord.
These evil spirits will come back out from the abyss and will enter again in the ‘swines' (pigs) to cause hurt among all of those who do not know me and do not follow me. I will although act again with my Church as we already did before. We will leave this region. And these demons will kill a third of mankind.
Note MAV: is this for now ? It is what that is prophesied.
Then the Lord said to me again :
But you be audacious and courageous and say : NO!
Do not let yourself be vaccinated. You need to always trust me. I will bring you on the other side. For you, my children, Life goes on normally. You are my sheep. You hear my voice and you follow me. And I send you like sheep along wolves. Warn all my children and all men and women of good will against this mandatory world vaccination. It seems harmless. It’s wrong!

It is in fact the return of the demons of the abyss. Warn all that are willing to know! Even if they call you ‘paranoid’ or ‘terrorists ‘.

MAV : they found words supposedly being insulting to cause people to dispise them such as : ‘conspirators’ word that means from the dictionary “people who refute the commonly admitted version of an event and look to demonstrate that it is the result of a fomenting plot of a minority “ (Larousse). In this, they were right.

You are my people and my children. You are Holy (put apart). You do not have to have any mark (stigmas) on your bodies. Your body is the temple of My Holy Spirit and not the hiding place of demons which I delivered you from, said the Lord.
I delivered this message as I received it. Beloved friends, we are indeed in the time of the end. Look closely what we do to you and your children. The devil is and stays a liar. And his intentions are bad.
This vision that the Lord gave me about the swines and the relation between the vaccination against the swine flu really shook me up. Believers will have to pass the test in the end times which will reveal if they are strong enough to resist and say : NO! You aren’t without defense. But the Lord gave you His Holy Spirit and the full Armour (Eph 6.16). You will need it soon.
MAV: let us remember that the swine flu (H1N1) killed 575.400 people in 2009 and was also a Coronavirus. It was a precursor event.
If you aren’t a real child of God, repent! Be baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit of God so that the seal of God be on your Life. (Eph 1:1-13 and 4:30 and Rev 7:3-4) and you will be inaccessible for the devil.
Thank you for sending this message to all your siblings. Feel free to copy, distribute around you to everyone. You can also translate it if needed. We are the watchmen of God and we must warn our siblings. If we neglect to do it, the Lord will require their blood from us. (Ezekiel 3:16-21)

French version from the Pastor Matutis on his public facebook post :

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