No idea (part 4): Why are poo stories so funny? 便便的搞笑趣事💩

3 years ago

✏️ 探討議題:
1. 討論生活中,噁心又好笑的故事

⏰ 時間軸Timeline
0:00 開場 Opening
0:25 女生浴室乾淨嗎?Is it clean in girls' bathroom?
1:56 公廁呢? How about public toilet?
3:43 更多便便故事💩 more poo stories
8:42 煙屁股亂丟 tossing cigarette butts
11:27 隨地吐痰 spitting in the street
14:52 噗噗~放屁故事 fart stories
18:14 回到便便故事💩 go back to poo stories

#Taiwan #No_Idea #Podcast #沒想法

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