How can you influence the world if you believe the lies you tell yourself?

3 years ago

How can you influence the World if you lie to yourself?
Consider this: Most Believers spend very little time reading their Bibles. The Gutenberg Printing Press did not exist until 1517. From the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, Bibles were not available to the every day believer. Only the elite had them, and if they are like most Believers of today, very few actually studied those Bibles. Meaning uptil today most believers are ignorant about what the Bible Teaches. Bible Schools and Theologians were established by teachers who had limited knowledge as to what the Bible taught and by what it says today. Most rely upon what they hear from others. Because they are too lazy to read, and too lazy to study with knowledgeable teachers. Jesus told them religious leaders they were in error because they do not know the Scriptures. How many people in the world believe things that are not true, because they do not know the Scriptures?
If Believers are too lazy to take their own Bibles to church, how many of those Believers take the time to study the Bible they do not have, except on their cell phones or computers?
If Believers do not have their own Bibles, what are the chances that Non Believers are being influenced by the Bible? What are the chances of people not having their own Bibles know enough about Jesus to be able to Brag about Jesus? How many of those people care enough about people who do not know Jesus to tithe or to support Missionaries?

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