Sweden Vaxx Passport Under Your Skin, Forbes Says Vaxx Changes Your DNA & It's Just One Ant

3 years ago

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Sources used in video:

Sweden has all been a lie - https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/microchip-containing-your-vaccine-passport-information-can-now-be-embedded-your-hand

Prosecute these incompetent idiots - https://breaking911.com/just-in-health-dept-in-maryland-says-they-gave-dozens-of-kids-expired-covid-vaccine/

WHO says booster not needed, UK says vaxx all the kids - https://www.blacklistednews.com/article/81324/world-health-organization-says-no-evidence-booster-jabs-would-offer-greater-protection-to-the.html

Oops, Forbes says vaxx alters DNA then backtracks - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/12/forbes-changes-headline-admits-mrna-vaccines-alter-dna-change-back/

Astra Zeneca figures it all out - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10266585/AstraZeneca-uncovers-trigger-blood-clots-jab.html

World bank head admits if they don't have immunity, they don't give the jabb - https://rumble.com/vq4nmw-world-bank-president-on-pfizers-vaccine-hesitancy.html

This is floating around, is it real - https://thetruereporter.com/was-there-a-hidden-message-for-help-on-an-irish-news-clip-about-covid-19-jabs/

Traitors to our country vote with democrats for national vaccine database - https://beckernews.com/betrayal-80-republicans-vote-with-radical-dems-to-pass-dangerous-federal-vaccination-database-bill-43341/

UN says Biden travel ban is apartheid - https://www.breitbart.com/africa/2021/12/02/u-n-denounces-bidens-south-africa-ban-travel-apartheid/

Who cares, stay strong and attack these fuckheads - https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2021/12/02/merkel-announces-restrictions-on-unvaccinated-vote-on-making-jabs-compulsory/

Stay strong against these dictators, they will back down one way or another - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10266269/Chicago-DROPS-vaccine-mandate-lawsuit-against-police-union.html

Not guilty? Just face your punishment punk - https://resistthemainstream.org/new-footage-of-michigan-high-school-shooting-leaves-prosecutor-speechless-i-dont-have-the-words/?utm_source=telegram

It never happens, it's just talk - https://twitter.com/Breaking911/status/1466501471894216711

Everything the democrats touch turns to shit - https://www.lawenforcementtoday.com/cook-county-blows-past-1k-homicides-for-first-time-in-almost-thirty-years/

Another sick democrat gun violence hoax - https://bearingarms.com/camedwards/2021/12/02/iowa-teacher-accused-of-writing-threatening-notes-at-school-n52838

Think these robots aren't real, think again - https://www.disclose.tv/humanoid-robot-ameca-set-to-make-public-debut-in-2022/

Steve Inman - https://twitter.com/SteveInmanUIC/status/1466671470730309634

I Think My Dog's a Democrat Bryan Lewis Official Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H3VLqLLWxbQ

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