Getting Into The Right Business Part 3 The Universes University

3 years ago

In this video series I will explain ways you can get into a business or career you truly want, not just one you were qualified for earlier in life or if you are just starting out getting into what you truly want to do. This follows the advice of Wallace Wattles in his classic book "The Science Of Getting Rich". Which is available as a free ebook or free ecourse on my website

We can then start to get known in our chosen field of knowledge by putting ourselves out there. This can be done quite simply by starting a blog and doing videos on our chosen field, slowly but surely making a name for ourselves and interacting with others that have an interest in the same field. This will allow us to gain even more knowledge and learn little tricks and short cuts others have used and learned over the years. With the internet today this has never been easier to do, we just have to do it.

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